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STIFORP a scam over the internet ?

• Often, when I talk about Stiforp some people their first reaction is to say another scam over the internet !
• Yet most know me well and therefore know very well that I will train people in a system that does not work, but that they had the bad idea to go online and check the connection that I had provided them , and yet they have seen that many people had passed but they have mostly retained is the minority of people who had failed and criticize the system!
• And now for a minority that it was probably not bother to do what it takes to succeed and all my work has fallen into the water nothing gone.
I had to do something ! but what?
• Then an idea occurred to me I had to tell you the truth, because I too have been there too and yes I have already done by programs that they really do not work, I spent a lot of money but also time and needless to say I really left their feathers.
Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself. 

• So the question is it Stiforp a scam over the net I replied of course not this is anything but a scam on the contrary it is one of the easiest programs to promote the quality of these tools c is accessible to everyone even an 8 year old could do .
• Then I feel that some pessimists will still say he should give money every month to win and I totally agree with them, but ! because there is a but ! to all the I ask you ? you know a lot of company in which investing dollars 9.99 € 7.46 per month you could fetch between € 1,800 for those who just want to take their time to get a good salary supplement in a few months , or for more motivated who want to reach the figure of € 6,000 coveted ?
• Well me I do not know , and when the opportunity is presented to me I thought after seeing the film presentation why not? in the worst case I lost the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes and better and I was making as I 'm kind of nothing ventured nothing I started without looking at what others said that because it is not knowing that it is impossible for us to accomplish what seems impossible to others.
• What I want to tell you is that there will always be people who will be there to discourage you or to criticize what you are doing and at the same time sow doubt in your mind, but also those people who never much of their lives.
You decide which category you belong ...
• Finally, I will not do to others what you have made ​​me ! ie you lose your time and money I 'm not that kind of people all the opportunities that I offer I have all tested and if today you I proposed to my blog is that they work actually .
• And as I 've said we have nothing without it no secret he must work a minimum if you want the result to the myth of your computer work for you! I'm sorry to disappoint some , but it does not yet exist .
Stiforp one can with a small investment that you can make as much money .
• But the icing on the cake is that if you are not satisfied you can stop your subscription at any time it is non-binding , but rest assured you will not have to do it would be crazy ! once you start earning your first dollars or euros and believe me for those who make the effort that goes very fast you can not stop I guarantee you .
• So here I think I answered honestly to the question is it a scam? I say no!


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